Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Fact Friday

If you know me well you know that I LOVE random facts. If there is an interesting bit of useless information, I just want to know it. It comes from being a wonderer (a wonderer, is  a person who thinks or says hmmm.... I wonder pretty much all day everyday, just in case you were wondering!).

so here are few fun random facts.

Random Fact #1
Have you ever wondered why that compartment in your car just in front of the passenger seat is called the "glove box". Well the reason it's called the glove box, is because when the automobile first came out people used to wear gloves to drive they called them "driving gloves"(creative I know) and you know where they kept those driving gloves guessed it in the "glove box". Although its been years and years since anyone has worn driving gloves the glove box still remains thankfully! (p.s. what do you have in your glove box?)

Random Fact #2 

Did you know the reason pirates wear patches over their eye (if you thought it was to hide their glass eye well you're wrong). It's to help their eyes adjust to the light and dark. The pirate used to move the patch when going below deck so that his eye that was covered was already adjusted to the dark and he could see right away. I don't know how true this is but I heard it from another random fact lover one day as we exchanged random facts. So I keep it as fact. 

  Random Fact #3

Did you know the sound effect crew of star wars used recordings from a trained bear that was recorded during feeding time when the bear was angry and hungry, to create the sound for Chewy Chewbacca. They pieced together the recordings from the bear to create words and sentences for the character Chewbacca. 

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