It's so crazy how God works in our life one minute you find your self in your daily routine and the next minute you are facing a whole new life. Well thats what it felt like for me this past week anyways. Since I have graduated from college there has been a number of life lesson's I have learned in a total of two years. I went from learning something new everyday and dreaming of big future plans and having so much ambition for life. To being done with school to a life where I wasn't challenged everyday or wasn't learning anything in the classroom that is. I had zero answers to what my life would look like what my future would hold. I went on a job search trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and although I still don't completely know the answer to that question. I took a job in a field of interest, at the beginning I thought that this job would be a dream come true but week after week of sitting in an office shuffling paper I realized that maybe this isn't what I should be doing with my life. I got in trouble at work one day and felt that after a year of working at one place I have not learned anything at all and I was not really using any of my talents or gifts I decided then to start a search for job I was more suited for but I found myself having alot of trouble getting a job somewhere else I went to a number of interviews where it felt like I had the job in the bag but turns out I didn't I began to feel discouraged and alone I knew God had put it on my heart to pursue something different but He had not yet reviled what that would be and so I began to pray about it and then it became so obvious to me I needed to go back to school.
I decided to apply to a few different places but I had my heart set on one place in particular that was located in san francisco. At this point I was in a relationship and things were getting serious I wanted to consider this person in my life as well so I made it a point to apply to places near where he was applying to. He had not found a school in San Francisco when we were looking at places to apply to but because my top choice was there I decided to do a little research on my own I sent Tim a link to San Francisco's Sports Medicine school and he became interested immediately the program offered studies that he was just learning about and was completely fascinated by in his major so he decided to put San Fran on his list of schools I was so thrilled. We went up there to visit a few friends when we found super cheap tickets and decided to take a look at the schools we were interested in we had the best time and when we were sitting in Ocean Beach tim and I just felt that God wanted us together. So anyways we were a little worried however because there was not yet a Grad Assistant Position in San Fransisco and there was everywhere else Tim was applying so I began to lose heart a little we both began to wonder what if we end up apart this put alot of stress on our relationship so instead we choose to pray. God answered again a Grad Assistant position opened up at the University of San Fransisco, there was only one position and Tim went for it.
We prayed even harder than before, he got accepted to San Fransisco State right away and shortly after had a phone interview with the University of San Fransisco they said they would call him in a week and schedule an in person interview if they wanted him well a few weeks had gone by and there was no call back Tim found out another student in his program had been invited up for an in person interview we were so bummed Tim still had heard nothing I knew from past experience that even when it seems like the answer is no continue to pray because God maybe telling you to wait. So I prayed and prayed I also began praying for me because I had been denied from every school I applied to and still had not heard back from my school in San Fran. Everytime I thought about it I prayed.
Then I came to a crossroad I began thinking about my job and would I stay here even if I didn't get into Grad School. I felt God putting it on my heart to take a leap of faith, so I did I decided to put in my 30 notice I didn't have a reason yet but I knew I had to take a step towards a different life. I applied to places that were just seasonal Surf Diva being one I had not yet got the job yet I passed a surf test and was waiting to have my personal interview. Then Tim recieved a request for a personal interview at University of San Fran he immediately flew up there and had the best time with the people that work at the school he loved it. He came back and we were both so stoked selfishly I was a little stressed because I knew it was happening for him but still unsure if it would happen for me I began to pray even harder then on a Tuesday Tim called me so excited that he had been given the GA position, and I had good news too I had recieved an email requesting that I go up for a personal interview to the grad school in san fran. I was so so stoked I could hardly believe it was true.
That week I put in my notice still not into the school and still without a job. Right after I put in my notice I got a call from Surf Diva to come in for an interview I went in on Tuesday got the job that day, then on Thursday went up for an interview in San Fran and got accepted into the school that day I even registered for classes. My life had changed in a week and its slowly sinking in. There will be so many challenges to face in the next few months but I trust that God has a plan. I will be so sad to leave my community of friends and beautiful San Diego which I am so in love with, but I know it's something God is calling me to do. I'm a little scared to start over not sure where i will live or work, not sure where I will go to church or how I will pay for school but I trust that God is faithful and will provide. I am so unbelievably grateful for how God has worked in mine and Tim's life so far and it is my heart to honor him with everything that he has already blessed me with and will bless me with.
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