Friday, May 14, 2010

Big Dreams

I've been day dreaming again. From the time I was young I have always been a big dreamer, when I was living in Hemet in my small Christian School I desperately dreamed of someday leaving. We have a saying in Hemet if you drink the water you are destined to return or never leave Hemet. This saying always frightened me to to death because most people I know there that was true they do return or never leave my fear was WOULD THAT REALLY HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!!

Haha seems silly looking back God opened the door for me to leave and move down to my dream city San Diego (there I go dreaming again) to go to my dream school PLNU. What I didn't realize was my dreams were not nearly as big as God's plan. I had no idea that I was going to grow so much while at school I had no idea the relationships I would make and the home I would make out here.

I had big dream's of traveling the world I had no idea God would place me in a study abroad program where I would truely learn about other people and thier culture and customs and how different they are than mine and how we have a common bond in Jesus.

Crazy how God works isn't it. I find myself dreaming again now that I'm on my way to another part of life and my dreams are of how I will use the education God is blessing me with. I always dreamed of going to Graduate School I just believe as a woman in the US what a blessing it is that we can go to school and go all the way there are women in other countries who aren't even alowed to show thier faces let alone have big dreams.

I realized after talking with a good friend of mine just now that someday I want to use my MFT degree and maybe go abroad helping families and children who have experienced real loss or pain. Possibly working with patients that have post traumatic stress from serious tragedies. I want to serve God where the need is the greatest.

All I can say is I can't help but dream and I look forward to seeing where God will use my big dreams in the future, but until then ill be cracking down buried in text books next year and I cannot wait!

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