Friday, May 10, 2013


Yay for friday and for going home to spend the weekend with Mom!!! Let's talk Moms what are 5 things your mom passed on to you, maybe unknowingly, maybe something you noticed yourself saying  (shoot I'm just like my mom), maybe something that you absolutely love! Here are my 5:

  1. Family is everything = family time is so important my mom made sure that we were always together for big events or just for weekends off. Family time kept us close!
  2. Dinner is at the dinner table = even when we were busy (you know that season of life where you go from practice to practice) my mom somehow managed to get dinner on the table before my dad headed off to teach his night classes and after getting home from sister's practice while at the same time sending off the children in her daycare. That wonder woman I don't know how she did it. Dinner at the dinner table was such a big part of my life and it was the time were everyone stopped slowed down and checked in on how things are, how our days were, what's new etc. 
  3. My ability to somehow lose things (keys, cell phone, wallet, purse) = we laugh when my sister or I lose our keys because we know we got that from our mom! I can't even count how many times I had to delay heading out the door 10-15 minutes because I couldn't find my keys. (and don't bother telling me about those key finders or about those key hooks I've tried all those tricks and have somehow still failed miserably). 
  4. A love for working with children = After growing up in a home daycare environment you would think that after years of having little kids invading my personal space (my room during teen years), or waking up at 6 or 7am during my summer vacation to a crying baby, would make me want to run and scream when it comes to being around kids, but just the opposite happened I pursued a career to work with children just like mom! 
  5. A positive outlook on life = so this one is still a struggle for me but I have adopted the ability which I know I got from my mom to be able to stop amidst the stress and say I can get through this. My mom has always had a positive attitude even when life got super stressful she would say I'm not going to worry about it I know it will work out! She is the best can you tell I love her. 

What are some things mom passed on to you?

Also since it is an I don't care Friday I have posted some fun links!
Here are some fun reads for your fun friday enjoy!

"10 Signs You're Not As Young As You Once Were!" (for those born before 1985)

Beautiful way to honor your mom!

Paintings of Historical Figures and what they would look like today! So funny!

People who are nailing this parenting thing!! so awesome!

DIY Mother's day Homemade bath salts! for those crafty people that have time!

How to Dress like a French Woman! 

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