There are many other colors of roses however so how do you decide which color to choose well here is a list of the meaning behind each color.
Red Roses - Love and passion
White Roses - True love, purity of the mind and reverence
Yellow Roses - Friendship, celebration and joy
Pink Roses - Friendship or Sweetheart, admiration
Peach Roses - Desire and excitement or appreciation
Lilac Roses - Love at first sight and enchantment
Coral Roses - DesireOrange Roses - Enthusiasm and desire
Black Roses - Farewell or "It's Over"
Bouquet of Red and Yellow Roses: Happiness and celebrations
Bouquet of Red and White Roses: Bonding and harmony
Bouquet of Yellow and Orange Roses: Passion
However you don't have to go with just roses for Valentine's day. Other flowers that are popular on the occasion of Valentine's Day include tulips, daffodils and irises. Many people also prefer a mixed flower bouquet on Valentine's Day, as it looks colourful and attractive
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