Friday, January 29, 2010

"Unattainable Beauty"

I just read an article in newsweek about retouching photos in popular magazines. It was a little shocking to see how our society is creating a standard of perfection and even the celebrities who are already beautiful or athletic are not even good enough. It's really disappointing to me that our focus as a society has become so scewed. I recently read a book called me to we and in it there was a quote from Mother Theresa about her visit it to North America she said she had never seen such an abundance of material wealth, but she had also never seen such a poverty of the spirit, of loneliness, and being unwanted. Goodness gets you thinking doesn't it, I mean really if you think about it people around the world are dying from starvation or malnutrition and people in the United States have diseases that are a result of having too much, and then our desire is too look like we are starving. What is going on with this world, I mean don't get me wrong I have struggled with perfecting my self image before especially when I was a student at PLNU, and in the article it even says that young girls today spend more money and time on beauty than any other generation in history. We have so much at our finger tips yet we want more and we become slaves to our desires and obsessions. Self image has become so important to us that it consumes us and makes us lose sight of what we have been blessed with already. I think I feel so strongly about this because I have seen in real life how this can affect a person's life the pressure to be perfect and it's a serious issue that we tend to shove under the rug. Am I alone in my frustrations girls let me know what you think
Apparently Beyonce's natural skin color is too dark for Loreal.The waist on this Ralph Lauren Model was so disturbing that the company actually apologized for the advertisement sadly a little while after the model in this photo Filipa Hamilton was quietly fired for being overwieght she was 5'10" wieghing 120lbs.

1 comment:

brittany said...

yeah so sad. especially the last one. this sounds like a good essay. maybe you should have been an english major :)

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