Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wintery Dreamin

So I might have lied about that last post being my last post for a while, because here is the second post in one day, I'm obviously procrastinating my homework. So I just wanted to take a look back at the winter break and remind myself that my life is not all work and no play! The holidays came and went like a flash, it was so wonderful to be home; my mom had the house all decked out in Christmas decorations it felt like we were all living in a Christmas dreamland. We had a wonderful time with the daycare family party, our family party and just visiting friends and family. My parents surprised us with a fun family trip to Disneyland!

My sister made it up for a visit to San Francisco before she flew back down to Honduras.

We got to surf a ton while we were home the most crowded day of the break was definitely Christmas eve day but how fun was it to wear a wetsuit and santa hat!
We all were stoked.
And before the semester started we decided to squeeze one more trip out of our break and head up the Fort Bragg CA where we stayed with our dear friends Josh, Mario, and Katie! It was a fantastic weekend I enjoyed a cozy beach fire and wine with my good friend Katie who I love!
And the boys had a great time surfing the frigid winter waves! We all piled into this brewery and enjoyed some quality time.

Overall I have to say that the holidays were a great time!

Swimming all my troubles away

My own personal therapy lately has been running and swimming, as a graduate student in an emotionally intense graduate program I have found that self care is vital. Taking care of myself has allowed me to reduce the stress surrounding the intense amount of homework I have weekly, and has given me an outlet or release for the emotional strain that working in practicum brings. This semester has already tested my limits, the work load has not only grown but has become much more valuable to me as a growing professional. The life and times of an Art Therapy/Marriage and Family Therapy graduate student is probably one of life's greatest challenges for this carefree girl, but I'm somehow managing to keep my head above water and that in itself is an accomplishment. This may be my last post for a while (until the end of the semester at least) however I may return from time to time to use this blog as a journal to reflect on this graduate school experience, but until then ciao!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year

photo taken by my sister Elena during her visit up here!
Well it was a bittersweet past week I was able to have my sister come up to visit me which was so great but then I had to say goodbye to her and family for a while. The break was more than I could ask for so much quality time with family and friends I wish it never ended. Then we all went our separate ways Tim went to AZ, Elena went to Honduras, and I'm back up in San Francisco. I realized this week that I will never stop missing home I mean I have been blessed with a wonderful family that is very close and when we are together it just feels like home we share our hopes and dreams of the future and plans for when we return to each other. I never stop missing them. So as the new year unfolds I realized that I really need to stop and enjoy where I'm at it's only temporary that I'm here and I would hate to leave and not have made the most of my time here. So this new years I decided to take on the task of enjoying this city more. So here's to the new years.
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