So I found out last week from a parent at my work that her son has a huge crush on me. How cute is that little 4 year olds can be so freakin hilarious sometimes. The parent of this funny little guy came up to me one morning and asked if I had worn my hair down the day before, being so busy with life I couldn't really recall and I was a little puzzled at the question in the first place, but then she explained that her son could not stop talking about Teacher Melina's beautiful hair. She said he talks about me all the time and how much he loves me she said he has the hugest crush on you. I started cracking up!!! Poor thing was then informed immediately by his mother that I was engaged to be married the next day at school he asked right away if I was getting married and wanted to see my ring too I'm guessing he needed proof. Well I can't help but admit I have a huge crush on all my little preschoolers too! I love spending the day with them they are literally the joys of my day their little rambunctious personalities, their sweet little hugs, and their unending senses of humor make every day so awesome.
After hearing this about my student's crush, I started to look back on my childhood trying to remember if I had any teacher crushes, I did recall one I had a big crush on a sunday school teacher named Dale he was so nice to me I just remember him as my favorite person ever! Did you have any teacher crushes when you were young?